Control is everything.


We use high-quality industrial electronics modules for our various applications.

The control containers with which we supply test tracks and driving safety centres are already equipped with these modules. And the installed software also comes from our own development.

We promise: Simple, intuitive operation, where even "mistakes" can be corrected by the trainer or a technician himself. In addition, a durable and service-friendly control system whose regular maintenance and updates can be carried out in a time-saving manner via an online connection.

Almost all applications on the tracks are triggered by light barriers that the drivers pass. The corresponding parameters, e.g. how strongly the skid plate should trigger, which water obstacles shoot out of the ground or where exactly irrigationtakes place, can be set via a control panel.

A special feature:The above-mentioned containers also function as training and seminar rooms.
Air-conditioned and large enough for a regular group of 10 to 15 people.



Switches, buttons & graphics.


All adjustable parameters of our products are visualised on a control panel by switches or buttons. For example, each water hazard has its own flashing switch. And the dynamic plate has a rotary knob for the stroke strength and a touch graphic for the timing. Further settings are operated via a screen, with an infinite number of setting options.

Especially for test drives, certain sequences can be easily programmed in advance and then called up at the push of a button. Staff at test tracks usually prefer uniform procedures, trainers at driving safety centres prefer varietyin order to inspire their participants with ever new programmes.



Focus on your safety.


All modules, i.e. the entire technology of the system, can be accessed centrally by a "supervisor". This is because all control containers are networked with each other via fibre optic cables.

Certain water obstacles, individual sprinkler units or even the lighting of the practice courses can be activated or controlled from anywhere. Even the specific setting of a dynamic plate is no problem via remote maintenance – a great help if, for example, a new trainer should have problems with his applications.

Furthermore, our portfolio also includes the installation of camerason the routes or containers in order not to lose track of large areas.




Drift. Accelerate. Stop. Go.


Professional visualisation is also used here.
Our Track Test, a first-aid-box-sized device that only needs to be placed in the passenger compartment, houses software that transmits a vehicle’s acceleration and other relevant data to a central computer. GPS repeaters, which we install at several points on a test track or in a driving safety centre, make this work almost to the centimetre.

By these places we mean, for example, our training and control containers, which are all networked together on one installation. The result is precise measured values, for example for comparative vehicle tests by car magazines. Participants in sports driver training courses can also use this data to measure, analyse and optimise their skills.